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Burgettstown Presbyterian Church

Burgettstown Location

The Session has decided that mask-wearing in the Church will now be optional. 
Thank you for your patience as we adjust our COVID protocol.

Good morning church family and friends,


This morning, we would like to welcome Eric Hertzog who grew up in the military - a full-fledged army brat. It was a gypsy life moving from fort to fort.  His family went mostly to the churches on base which included all the protestant denominations. He received Christ in 1979 in San Antonio Texas and came to Pgh. in 1982 to attend the University of Pgh as a music major but graduated with a general liberal studies degree. He came to sense God's call and eventually attended and graduated from Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary and afterwards worked as an associate Pastor in Washington D.C. where he was ordained.  Later he worked as a Pastor at an independent protestant congregation in the South Hills and now works as a Hospice Chaplain in Pgh. for the last 25 years.  Of course, he left out all the ups and downs, hardships, and trials but The Lord is Our Shepherd.


Come and fellowship together with your church family this Sunday at 10:00 


SATURDAY- City Mission Truck will be in our parking lot.  We will be collecting clothing items from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM


SUNDAY – Join us for our annual Chili & Hot Dog event in the parking lot following Sunday’s service.  Pumpkin painting for the kids!!


Blessings to you 

BPC Session 

Come Join Us! 


WORSHIP: Our Worship Time is at 10 AM.  We will continue to also offer worship at 10 AM, 'Live', via 'Zoom'. Please see the 'Bulletin' Tab above for the Worship Link.  There is a ‘waiting room', so you may find yourself waiting to ‘enter into’ our worship until the Zoom Leader sees that you are ‘waiting’ and lets you in!  Thank you for your patience!


SMALL GROUPS -The Adult Small Group meets Sunday mornings at 9 AM.


Children's Sunday school meets Sunday mornings at 9 AM .


Nursery Care - We are sorry not to be able to offer Nursery Care at this time.


Connected Threads have resumed in-person meetings.  Please contact Penny Walden at 724-947-9046 for more information. 

Pass It On


We are sharing the light of God's Word in a visual way to bring encouragement to others, by using Scripture Art, Colored or Lettering pages with Bible Verses on them. The Art is designed to hang with ribbons or magnets.  Who receives the Scripture Art?  Anyone who needs encouragement in the congregation.  If you see one that speaks to you then Please Take It.  Pass One On to a friend, family member or neighbor, or anyone who needs encouragement.
Please contact Diane Shoup 724-947-4391 for more information.



Worship is currently being held

Sunday Mornings with

one worship service

both In-Person and via 'Zoom' at 10 AM.


Our Vision


Grounded in Scripture and Prayer, Burgettstown Presbyterian Church seeks to strengthen its fellowship in Christ and to love the community in His name.

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Find out more about "Connected Threads"


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